Sustainable concrete solutions: Swedish green cement startup Cemvision secures deal with Vattenfall
Cemvision CEO Oscar Hållén. Image credit: Screenshot Youtube.
Vattenfall has agreed to purchase Cemvision’s innovative, environmentally friendly cement for use in their wind energy projects and power facilities.
The company’s approach to cement production significantly reduces carbon emissions, making it a viable alternative to traditional methods.
Cemvision’s CEO, Oscar Hållén, previously stated that their green cement emits up to 95% less CO2 compared to conventional techniques while maintaining the same strength and potential quicker drying times.
We’re on track to producing cement that emits 95% less carbon than traditional methods while remaining just as strong and potentially even faster-drying
Oscar Hållén
Vattenfall aims to boost demand for green cement by becoming a customer of Cemvision and may even collaborate on R&D at its “concrete laboratory” in Älvkarleby, Sweden.
As a pioneering participant in the World Economic Forum’s Initiative for First Movers, Vattenfall is dedicated to reducing carbon emissions in sectors such as cement manufacturing.
Sustainability for concrete
Newly established cement businesses are working diligently to address concrete’s carbon issue by means of innovative additives, chemical compositions, and manufacturing processes.
Around 60% of the emissions produced by the cement sector stem from the heating process used to produce limestone in a kiln.
By using industrial by-products like steel slag instead of fresh limestone, Cemvision avoids this emission-intensive chemical reaction.
The remaining 40% of emissions in cement production come from energy used to superheat limestone in kilns.
The standard for powering kilns is coal, oil, and natural gas; nonetheless, Cemvision aims to challenge this norm with an electric kiln utilizing renewable energy at its lab in Stockholm.
The reduced processing temperature needed for industrial waste utilization enables Cemvision to consume less energy compared to traditional cement production methods.
Cemvision, along with up-and-coming companies like Brimstone based in the USA and Paebbl originating from the Netherlands, are leading the way in creating eco-friendly options for the $400 billion global cement market.
A seed investment of €10 million has been obtained by eco-friendly cement business, Cemvision.
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