Swedish Metacon and Siemens unite to dominate the EU green hydrogen market
Metacon is joining forces with Siemens. Image credit: Press photo.
Metacon and Siemens have recently agreed to join forces and form a partnership in order to expedite the production of hydrogen production systems in Sweden, specifically for the European market.
Earlier this year, Metacon revealed that they have been given exclusive permission to produce full electrolysis plants using PERIC’s pressurized alkaline electrolysis modules (stacks). A crucial aspect of PERIC’s alkaline technology is their reliable and effective 5 MW modules, which have a track record of over a decade of successful operation.
Metacon has also been granted access to the 10 MW module produced by PERIC, which is one of the largest in the world in terms of power and production. This access covers most European countries and enables Metacon to utilize a well-established technology that has been continuously improved for more than 60 years.
They will make necessary modifications to meet the safety and automation standards required for hydrogen production in Europe. With this exclusive privilege, Metacon’s goal is to become a leading player in the European market for large-scale hydrogen plants.
A partnership towards the future
The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signifies a partnership between Siemens and Metacon, where Siemens will serve as a technology ally and bring its extensive expertise in providing automation, power distribution, electrification, instrumentation, building technology, and drive products, solutions, and services.
Furthermore, Siemens will offer a diverse range of digital services and software for enhancing, streamlining, and simulating processes in both the production and operational stages of hydrogen plants.
The partnership aligns with Siemens’ global investment focus on Power-to-X technology and creating sustainable solutions for a more eco-friendly world. Metacon specializes in manufacturing energy systems for green hydrogen production, including catalytic steam reforming of biogas or other hydrocarbons.
With their extensive knowledge in catalytic processes and advanced reforming technology, they will significantly contribute to our project focused on efficient hydrogen production.
Together, Metacon and Siemens aim to revolutionize the green hydrogen market with their combined strengths and innovative solutions.
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