Fingerprint Cards and Infrafon Unveils Biometric Smart Badges for Select EU Markets
Fingerprints Cards. Image credit: Shutterstock.
In a groundbreaking development, Fingerprint Cards and German biometric wearables startup Infrafon have joined forces to create advanced smart badges for select markets in Europe.
These advanced gadgets provide multi-factor authentication and incorporate a user-friendly biometric verification feature that caters to physical and digital access methods such as FIDO2 and eIDAS. With a focus on the healthcare and big business sectors, this product will an easy-to-use and smooth authentication method for end users.
The collaboration is set to provide a zero-trust access control environment and counteract the growing threat of data breaches, phishing attacks, and other digital service vulnerabilities.
At the IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona Industry Awards, the Infrafon SmartBadge CC1-SEC collaboration was recognized with a nomination for the premier “Cybersecurity Solution” honor.
About Fingerprints
Fingerprint Cards is a world leader in biometrics while Infrafon’s expertise in wearable IoT technology adds significant value to the project.
Infrafon Smart badge is a new type of device between SmartCard and Smartphone where a connected Smart Badge allows both visual and eID
Frieder Hansen, CEO, Infrafon
Infrafon’s SmartBadge CC1-SEC will be displayed at IoT Solutions World Congress Barcelona on May 22nd in Auditorium Gran Via.
The system is equipped with an extensive range of NoCode, NoOS, and GUI design features, along with SAAS 3rd party API integrations. The cutting-edge smart badge from Infrafon offers a zero-trust environment with a practical biometric verification for users, supporting both physical and logical access, including FIDO2 and eIDAS. This makes it ideal for multiple corporate purposes including ID, access, work management, location tracking, and messaging.
The Infrafon company will participate in the IoT Solutions World Congress, which will take place in Barcelona. The Infrafon SmartBadge CC1-SEC has received a nomination for “Best Cybersecurity Solution” in the Industry Solution Awards from IoTSWC Barcelona which will be showcased throughout the event.
Fingerprint Cards, headquartered in Sweden, is the world’s leading biometrics company dedicated to creating a secure and seamless universe where users are in control of their digital identity.
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