STILFOLD Sweden secures €427k funding and launches MetaFold Academy
Stilfold founders Jonas Nyvang and Tue Beijer. Image cred: Press photo.
Stockholm’s tech firm STILFOLD, committed to transforming the industrial manufacturing and mobility sectors, has unveiled MetaFold Academy.
This new program aims to boost green manufacturing in the car industry. MetaFold Academy, backed by up to €427K funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Manufacturing, is all set to reshape industrial learning in Sweden, Greece, Italy, and Hungary.
The project gained backing from a group of educational and research bodies, such as TF CC in Greece, MADE Competence Center I4.0 in Italy, and PBN in Hungary. Each one brings their specific skills and resources to the project.
A catalyst for the green industry
MetaFold Academy helps industries turn green. They provide practical training in eco-innovation, energy savings, and resource handling with their dynamic, flexible programs.
Jonas Nyvang, the co-founder of Stilfold, communicates his sentiments on the inception of MetaFold Academy, emphasizing it as a key step in their dedication to promoting sustainable industrial practices.
This initiative aims to equip professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge to facilitate the Green Industrial Transformation. To equip 250 automotive, aerospace, and energy sector engineers and designers, the program focuses on enhancing their abilities to infuse their work with environmentally-friendly technologies.
Volvo Group, a company that builds trucks and construction gear, is among the first customers. They are showing that we need greener methods in manufacturing. This partnership lets learners use their new skills in actual situations, encouraging creative approaches.
MetaFold Academy will operate through four training centers, one in each involved country. These centers will act like innovation hubs. They’ll offer a mix of online and face-to-face training, using cutting-edge teaching approaches such as Micro-learning, Extended Reality, and Challenge-based learning.
Tue Beijer, co-founder of Stilfold, shared his belief that by aligning with the European Green Deal, MetaFold Academy is indeed poised to make a significant impact on the manufacturing industry. He further expressed his team’s commitment to creating a sustainable future through education and voiced their excitement to see the transformative impact of their training program.
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