Sweden’s e-highway revolution: the world’s first dynamic charging roadway in Stockholm
Concept art for illustrative purposes. Image credit: Monok.
Sweden plans to build the world’s first e-highway in Stockholm for electric vehicles (EVs).
Home of the Nobel Prize and numerous Nobel laureates, Sweden is no stranger to innovative thinking and bringing them to life. Currently, that innovation is dynamic charging.
Dynamic charging enables vehicles to recharge while moving, advancing e-mobility and decreasing carbon emissions.
To achieve this objective, Sweden plans to electrify a 13-mile stretch of the E20 highway, connecting Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, with the e-highway system; and it could be ready by 2025.
Pilot Projects Pave the Way for Innovation
Sweden’s journey towards an e-road began in 2017 when it initiated pilot projects like eRoadArlanda and those on Gotland Island.
The research delved into the technical details of induction charging and its real-life applications.
E-roads have plenty of skeptics, but there is at least one good reason that they are a viable solution in the e-mobility equation: how they could influence vehicle design.
The trucks receive bills based on their wattage usage, creating a sustainable and cost-effective charging solution.
While dynamic charging technologies offer significant potential, they also come with challenges such as power efficiency and weight.
Engineers aim to reduce energy loss in power transfer between roads and vehicles through optimization.
E-highways: A Vision for the Future
The e-highway in Stockholm would be the world’s first, and it represents a major milestone in the ongoing transition towards electric mobility.
With innovative technologies like dynamic charging, Sweden is taking bold steps to create a sustainable transportation infrastructure for its future.
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is reaching into civic infrastructure and its expansion includes e-highways, which are vital for powering smart cities and digital networks.
Researchers and engineers are working on improving e-highway technology for practical and cost-effective mass transportation.
Sweden’s e-highway project is revolutionizing e-mobility with seamless charging technology. They, along with the US, are slowly but surely investing in e-road technologies for cleaner transportation.
This e-highway project presents a potential sustainable solution for cleaner energy in mass transportation. As such, it contributes to a greener tomorrow.
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