Agteria Biotech secures €1.4M from Norrsken Launcher to reduce methane emissions from livestock
Agteria Biotech wants to reduce methane emissions from livestock. Image credit: Unsplash.
Norrsken Launcher has led a pre-seed funding round for Agteria Biotech, a Stockholm startup. The funding round secured the company 1.4 million euros. The company’s mission is to tackle a major contributor to climate change: methane emissions from livestock.
Livestock, particularly cattle, are responsible for around 10% of global greenhouse gasses. Agteria is developing a scalable and cost-effective solution to address this challenge.
A Promising Enzyme Inhibitor
The company’s approach centers on a unique enzyme inhibitor discovered by co-founders Martin Blomberg and Tommi Remenen. This inhibitor offers a promising solution – one that’s not only economical but also viable for mass production.
Previous attempts to curb methane emissions from livestock, such as using red seaweed, have faced hurdles related to scalability and cost. Agteria’s solution appears to overcome these limitations.
Collaboration is Key
“We’re already in dialogue with several of the largest players in the world and have secured LOIs with some of the biggest ones in Europe,” said Martin Blomberg, Founder and CEO of Agteria.
This emphasis on collaboration is a core tenet of Agteria. The company was founded on research conducted at Stockholm’s Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and it has maintained strong partnerships with academia and regulatory bodies ever since.
This ensures that its product undergoes rigorous testing to confirm its effectiveness and safety.
Moving Towards Commercialization
Agteria is planning to use the recently obtained funds to drive the company’s commercialization efforts. Dr. Tommi Remenen, the CTO and co-founder of Agteria, says that the funds will enable them to progress with their in-vivo experiments and increase production.
The potential impact of Agteria’s solution is significant. According to Erik Engellau-Nilsson of Norrsken Launcher, a mere 1% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions achieved by Agteria would be nearly equivalent to halving the total emissions from global aviation.
This highlights the importance of Agteria’s work. They can make a considerable impact on climate change by creating a solution that is both scalable and cost-effective in reducing global methane emissions.
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