Techarenan expands in Almedalen – establishes an additional arena with a greater focus on expert panels
Techarenan i Almedalen 2023. Foto: Tommy Fondelius.
Techarenan in Almedalen is expanding and adding a new arena – Techarenan Focus
– with a focus on deeper discussions and insights into current topics. Additionally, an
international initiative is being launched with a day dedicated to panels in English.
Since 2016, Techarenan has been present during Almedalsveckan in Visby to
connect the best of the Swedish and Nordic tech and startup ecosystem with the
traditional business sector and public sector.
In addition to the stage program with panel discussions on current themes, visitors
can meet the finalists in the annual entrepreneur competition Techarenan Challenge,
which crowns the top Nordic startup and growth companies at the arena.
Now, the platform is expanding further and opening a new stage in Visby called
Techarenan Focus.
– The purpose is the same as before, to address current topics and issues related to
our core subjects of entrepreneurship, innovation, sustainability, and society. We
have noticed a growing demand for forums with more in-depth conversations and
knowledge sharing on these topics and therefore, we have decided to expand our
presence, says Omid Ekhlasi, CEO and founder of Techarenan.
Panel discussions in English
Another update is that one of Techarenan’s stages on Thursday, June 27, will be
dedicated solely to panel discussions in English.
– We want to make the conversations in Almedalen accessible to an even broader
audience. Most of the companies we meet in the tech community consist of
international teams, and we also notice an increasing number of non-Swedish-
speaking participants at the arena, says Omid Ekhlasi.
The aim is also to increase knowledge and interest in Almedalsveckan in general.
– What Almedalsveckan has created over all these years is a globally unique meeting
place with the business sector, public sector, academia, and the general public all in
one place. We would like to showcase this to an international audience and at the
same time, contribute to spreading and increasing interest in Almedalsveckan overall.
Techarenan in Almedalen takes place from June 26th to 28th. In addition to the stage
program, exhibition, and Techarenan Challenge, the official Techminglet will be held
at Kallis on Thursday, June 27th.
Read more:
Omid Ekhlasi, CEO and Founder, Techarenan
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