Vidde’s green answer to winter adventure: 174-hp electric snowmobile
Vidde’s electrical snowmobiles. Image credit: Press.
Sweden’s Vidde startup introduces the Alfa, an electric snowmobile aimed at providing a cleaner winter experience.
As suggested by its homophone name, the Alfa is a pre-series production vehicle. It is equipped with a 174-hp (130-kW) electric drive and an 18.4-kWh heated battery, designed to achieve a range of 62 miles (100 km) per charge and support continuous towing of over 595 lb (270 kg). With a Level 2 charger, it takes about 3.5 hours to fully recharge the battery.
In contrast to the noise and pollution of traditional gasoline snowmobiles, the Alfa’s quiet operation enhances the serene winter landscape. Christian Lystrup (CEO) and Yalda Mirbaz, as co-founders, are determined to disrupt the current market norms with their green business.
An environmentally sound snowmobile by Vidde
The Vidde team has spent two years optimizing the Alfa for drivability, Arctic performance, and reduced noise levels.
To minimize the carbon footprint in the production and usage phases of their snowmobiles, Vidde has collaborated with other Swedish corporations.
By eliminating tailpipe emissions and promoting sustainable materials, Vidde aims for each Alfa snowmobile to have a lifecycle CO2 emission below 100 g/km. The Alfa’s sleek design is intended to appeal to users while ensuring easy use, maintenance, and future upgrades.
Skellefteå Kraft supplies the Alfa with its eco-friendly renewable energy for battery charging. To further boost the environmental impact of their product, Vidde plans to test Alfa models in collaboration with partners like Icehotel and SkiStar.
As agreed at COP 28, we all need to transition into fossil-free transportation. This also includes snowmobiles
Christian Lystrup (CEO of Vidde)
Vidde made a reveal of the pre-sales version of Alfa at the Icehotel in Lapland after showcasing its first mock-up earlier in November 2023 at the ISPO 2023.
Prospective buyers can secure their Vidde snowmobile by placing a pre-order with a non-refundable deposit of SEK1,000 (approximately €90/US$98). The anticipated retail price will be €26,200 (roughly $28,400), excluding taxes and shipping. Vidde aims to commence production for the Winter ’24-25 season later this year.
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