Here are the Winners of the Grand Award of Design 2023
Eleiko and Harvest Moon, the Gold and Pioneer winners of the Grand Award of Design 2023. Image credit: Camilla Svensk.
The winners of the Grand Award of Design were announced at Techarenan’s Annual Dinner at Eric Ericsonhallen in Stockholm on October 26.
The award had two categories for the first time: Gold and Pioneer. The Gold category, based on design as a key factor for commercial success, was won by gym equipment company Eleiko for their Open Barbell Collar.
“This was not expected at all but is a nice recognition for the entire product design team”, said Björn Welde, Product Development Manager at Eleiko.
The Gold Award was handed over by Pia Sandvik, Commercial Director at Teknikföretagen.
The Pioneer category, based on design as a foundation for potential commercial success, was won by Harvest Moon with their waterless toilet Luna.
Peter Thuvander, CEO and Co-Founder, and Maria Wahlberg, Creative Direction, received the award.
“The Luna toilet supports a regenerative lifestyle. It’s not only about the material, it’s about the lifestyle that helps you heal the ecosystem. I hope that we can inspire other fields to do this”, said Maria Wahlberg.
The Pioneer Award was handed over by Stefan Ytterborn, jury member and former winner with both CAKE and Poc.
The Grand Award of Design is a cooperation between Teknikföretagen, the Association of Swedish Engineering Industries, and Techarenan.
The award, earlier called “Stora Designpriset”, has a long legacy of over 20 years with previous winners such as Volvo, Ericsson, and CAKE.
Grand Award of Design – Winners 2023
Gold Category: Eleiko with Öppen Barbell Collar.
Winner’s Motivation:
Since the start in 1957, Eleiko has strived to offer the ultimate lifting experience.
With a philosophy based on innovation, quality and usability, the company has become internationally respected – and a market leader.
Their launch of Open Barbell Collars manifests simplicity made smart.
An investment in design and development that really has paid off.
This is a true textbook example of when tradition, quality, innovation, and usability meet design resulting in commercial success worldwide.
Gold Jury:
Jonas Pettersson, Co-Founder, FUWL
Michael Henriksson, VP & Head of Design, Bang & Olufsen
Camilla Kullborg, VP Global Startup Technology Scouting, ABB/Synerleap
Andreas Säfström, Head of Design & User Experience, Ericsson
Julia Valentin, Director of Communication, Teknikföretagen
Finalists in Category Gold:
– Stilride with electric scooter, Stilride 1.
– Eleiko with Öppen Barbell Collar. 🏆
– Wayout International with their Plug-and-Play drinking water systems.
Pioneer Category: Harvest Moon with Luna.
Winner’s Motivation:
Harvest Moon’s approach to design and details runs through the entire product development process.
With classic Swedish innovation, the company wants to make the water-free toilet a part of everyday life and facilitate a more sustainable living, both on a local and global scale.
Their purpose-driven and entrepreneurial spirit makes Harvest Moon and the product Luna a great pioneer winner.
Pioneer Jury:
Stefan Ytterborn, CEO and Founder, CAKE
Rebecca Sjödin, Co-Founder,
Marcus von Euler, Co-Founder, Nine Point Circle
Tommy Fondelius, Creative Lead, Techarenan
Finalists in Category Pioneer:
– Harvest Moon with water-free toilet, Luna. 🏆
– Zparq with electric boat engine, Z10.
– Volumental with their 3D Foot Scanner.
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