Swedavia partners with Heart Aerospace to pave way for greener aviation
Heart Aerospace is one of the pioneers in commercial electric aviation. Image credit: Stock photo.
Swedavia has unveiled its partnership with startup Heart Aerospace to convert Malmö Airport into an exclusive testing site for the ES-30 electric aircraft.
The airport will conduct tests and demonstrations of taxiing and charging using a full-scale model aircraft.
Braathens Regional Airlines, Scandinavian Airlines and the Swedish battery developer Northvolt will actively participate in the testing activities.
The project will also benefit from the expertise of an advisory panel consisting of key industry stakeholders, such as regional airport operator Sveriges Regionala Flygplatser, MRO specialist Bromma Air Maintenance, the Research Institutes of Sweden, ATC provider Luftfartsverket and government transport bodies Transportstyrelsen and Trafikverket.
The project received funding of 20 million SEK or €1.68 million from the Swedish innovation authority Vinnova. The efforts are built upon the ELISE project, which forms the cornerstone for promoting electric aviation in Sweden.
Karin Öhrström, airport manager of Malmö Airport at Swedavia, said that as an airport operator, Swedavia maintains an active role in the transition to green energy by “being involved in and developing the electric aviation of the future.”
She also said that Malmö Airport has exceptional advantages, including its strategic location near mainland Europe, its prominent status as the largest airport in southern Sweden and its emphasis on international cooperation.
Pioneers in commercial electric aviation
These factors present “exciting opportunities” for electric aviation and establish the airport as an excellent test arena for the ongoing progress of “Swedish electric aviation.”
“Battery-powered aircraft will contribute to the energy transition and in the long term, all of Swedavia’s airports will provide infrastructure for handling electric aircraft,” said John Nilsson, strategic planning manager for electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft at Swedavia.
Heart Aerospace aspires to pioneer commercial electric aircraft with its ES-30 model. The 30-seater plane is projected to have a 200 kilometers or 124 miles all-electric range and a 400 kilometers or 248 miles hybrid range. The company has targeted certification and operational commencement for 2028.
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