Husqvarna launches ‘rewilding’ mode to boost biodiversity in home lawns
Husqvarna launches new mode on the company’s autonomous lawnmowers. Image credit: Press.
Swedish tech firm Husqvarna has introduced the “rewilding” mode for its autonomous lawnmowers line, Automower, to improve biodiversity in home lawns
The new mode utilises GPS to ensure that 10 percent of grass lawns remain untouched so that pollinators — including bees, butterflies and beetles — and other forms of wildlife can thrive. According to Husqvarna, the rewilding mode is easy to operate for users.
Users must install the Automower Connect app on their devices to create a rewilding zone, which allows them to set the robotic lawnmowers to leave that small portion of the grass unmown.
Environmentalists have long pushed rewilding to encourage the growth of regionally native plants, which will create overall healthier ecosystems.
According to experts, maintaining manicured lawns can cause biodiversity loss and consume a large amount of water waste. The US-based Natural Resource Defense Council estimates grass lawns use nearly three trillion gallons of water annually, with experts predicting 200 million gallons of gas and 70 million pounds of pesticides being consumed per year.
Husqvarna aims to reduce its carbon footprint
The Stockholm-based firm plans to reduce carbon emissions across its production chain by 35 percent from 2015 to 2025. Husqvarna reported a 32 percent reduction in carbon footprint last year, in line with its goal.
The company aims to increase the share of its electrified motorised products from 34 percent today to 67 percent by 2026.
Husqvarna’s Automower, for example, runs fully on an electric battery. The company claims that in addition to being carbon neutral, the Automower does not produce much noise like traditional mowers.
Husqvarna also plans to redesign the circularity of its products to enhance customer experience. It is working on launching 50 circular innovations by 2025 and empowering five million stakeholders to make sustainable choices.
Last year, Husqvarna pledged to increase R&D investments in robotic mowers, smart watering systems and various professional products.
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