Rockton to purchase 40 green aircraft from Heart Aerospace
Graphics by Rockton.
Stockholm-based aircraft leasing company Rockton has signed a firm purchase order for 20 units of Heart Aerospace’s ES-30 and will acquire rights for 20 more units in the future.
Rockton CEO Niklas Lund said the aviation industry’s interest in sustainable aircraft had increased over the years. Lund claims the ES-30 is “the most promising technology available,” particularly for regional air transport.
Lund said the aircraft’s reserve-hybrid configuration would allow substantial travel range and payload for the commercial air travel market. He also discussed Heart’s plan to continuously upgrade its units with improved battery technologies, making the Heart aircraft “an asset with enhanced performance the longer you own it.”
Experts said leasing companies like Rockton are important in the industry’s transition toward sustainability because they cumulatively own over half of the global aircraft fleet.
Rockton is one of the few leasing companies exclusively investing in green air travel. The company says the industry’s target to achieve net zero by 2050 increases the urgency to find sustainable solutions.
“The Nordic region will be a leader in the adoption of electric aviation with several concrete infrastructure projects already underway.”
Simon Newitt, Chief Commercial Officer of Heart Aerospace
Heart chief commercial officer Simon Newitt said the new deal was influential in turning the Nordic region into a leader in green aviation, adding that some infrastructure projects are currently underway to support said goal.
“As a Swedish leasing company, Rockton is clearly a part of this pioneering spirit and we’re happy to have them as a partner,” Newitt said.
Heart has received 250 firm orders for the ES-30, as well as purchase rights and options for another 120 units. Several air travel companies have also signed letters of intent to purchase 91 units from the Swedish startup.
ES-30 caters to regional travellers
Heart designs the ES-30 to service regional commercial flights, expected to enter service in 2028. The aircraft can carry up to 30 passengers. Its fully electric configuration can accommodate a travel range of up to 200 kilometers with the current battery technology.
Airline operators can opt for a hybrid configuration to extend the travel range to 400 kilometers with 30 passengers. The ES-30’s travel range can extend to 800 kilometers with only 25 passengers on board, with all typical airline reserves included.
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