Einride partners with PepsiCo for sustainable snack distribution in Britain
Einride teams up with PepsiCo to provide electric trucks for transporting Walkers Crisps in the UK. Image credit: Press.
Stockholm-based transport company Einride has partnered with food and beverage company PepsiCo to provide electric trucks for transporting Walkers Crisps in the United Kingdom.
This agreement will serve a dual purpose as it will help Einride establish a foothold in the UK market and assist PepsiCo in reducing carbon emissions from their fleet operations.
Einride was established in 2016 to replace the prevailing diesel engines in the heavy freight industry with electric trucks. The Swedish company’s ultimate goal is to introduce autonomous vehicles to this sector — which could further revolutionize the industry’s operations.
Previously in October 2022, GE Appliances began testing an Einride vehicle without a safety driver on American public roads. However, regarding Einride’s UK operations, the company has confirmed that human operators will drive its vehicles. This measure guarantees that trained drivers will supervise the electric trucks’ functionality — prioritizing road safety.
Starting in July, Einride will provide PepsiCo with two electric semi-trucks to transport goods.
The unique Einride system
Per CEO and founder Robert Falck, Einride plans to expand its reach in the UK by establishing a “freight mobility grid” that allows logistics partners to optimize routes, reduce emissions and enhance fuel efficiency while ensuring real-time visibility and transparency in the delivery process.
Falk explained that Einride not only relies on charging infrastructure from other companies but also leverages its own software to maximize the efficiency of its electric trucks. This system distinguishes the Swedish firm from traditional trucking operators.
The industry’s average fill rate — the percentage of trucks used from the total inventory — is typically less than 30 percent. The CEO said the current transportation system is only six percent efficient, resulting in a staggering 94 percent loss of its potential. This level of inefficiency creates numerous challenges, such as operational cost issues.
Einride’s strategy differs from Tesla’s as it doesn’t build its own electric vehicles. Instead, it relies on partnerships with manufacturers such as German company Daimler and Czech automobile manufacturer Škoda for production.
The company’s primary focus lies in advancing the technology utilized in the vehicles. Falk compared the company’s approach to that of Apple, which designs iPhones but outsources production to Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn.
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