EV maker Polestar nearly doubles production while cutting carbon emissions per car
Polestar almost double its production. Image credit: Press.
Gothenburg-based electric vehicle (EV) maker Polestar has reported that its production nearly doubled last year while carbon emissions generated by its manufacturing process significantly declined.
In 2022, Polestar produced 50,600 units of the electric sedan Polestar 2, all while recording an eight percent decline in emissions per vehicle.
“I really think the industry has not understood what a challenge there will be in the next decade.”
Thomas Ingenlath, CEO of Polestar
According to CEO Thomas Ingenlath, the EV industry should focus more on reducing carbon emissions in its production.
“Switching to electric mobility, in review, will look like peanuts because it’s actually doable and we know how to do it,” Ingenlath told Bloomberg Green. “How to reduce the CO2 footprint of our vehicles is much more of a challenge.”
Per company data, Polestar’s carbon emissions increased by 67 percent in 2022 compared to the year before. That said, the startup produced more vehicles — with reduced emissions per unit.
Polestar was responsible for 37.1 tonnes of greenhouse gas emitted per EV unit — a slight drop from 40.2 tonnes in 2021. While the numbers seem high, they do not account for only in-factory processing. Most of the emissions come from its supply chain, including mining raw materials.
Polestar explained that it could perform more rigorous carbon accounting than other industry players because of its manufacturing approach. Since introducing the Polestar 1 in 2017, the company’s production rate has been significantly lower than other automakers, allowing the Swedish startup to assess its carbon impact thoroughly.
Over the years, Polestar has built the “parts and pieces” needed to assemble its vehicles in a more environmentally friendly manner. The CEO explained that low-emission manufacturing was necessary for the authenticity and trustworthiness of the Polestar brand.
Polestar’s factory in China has operated exclusively on renewable energy since last year. It has also sourced more aluminium from facilities that run on hydroelectric power. The automaker further explained that many of its drivers charged their EVs using electricity from green sources, such as solar panels and windmills.
The firm plans to boost its production by 58 percent this year to around 80,000 units. Its sustainability target is halving relative emissions by 2030 while expanding its customer base. By 2025, Polestar expects to release three more EV models. The company will launch a smaller, more affordable electric SUV in China this April.
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