Join the road to Zero – Techarenan arranges international event with focus on sustainability
Techarenan Zero takes place in Stockholm the 23rd of March 2023.
Techarenan launches an international summit with focus on sustainability – Techarenan Zero in Stockholm on March 23, 2023 – to address some of our most critical challenges to society.
During a full day, decision makers, experts, politicians, and entrepreneurs from the Nordics and Europe are invited to discuss the road to “zeroing” these challenges to create a more sustainable planet.
“In recent years, we have had a major focus on how we address the most pressing challenges of our time, and sustainability has been a key component in our stage program, our competition, and our news channel. Through Techarenan Zero the ambition is to build a strong community of those who are involved in driving the big and important changes across different fields”, says Omid Ekhlasi, Techarenan Founder and CEO.
Techarenan Zero – a more interactive event
Techarenan Zero is an invite-only event for high-level professionals who can bring real change.
Focus lies on how different sectors in society can cooperate to accelerate new sustainable ideas and implement innovative solutions that drive positive change. Through a variety of sessions with panels across different verticals, leading figures will share perspectives and discuss the issues at hand concerning their respective fields of business.
“This will be an event with a more interactive setup including roundtable discussions during which participants will be able to discuss the topics covered on stage. We will also organize ‘after talks’ with opportunities to interact with the speakers. This is not about listening to thought leaders, but rather actively creating a community of those who want to drive and create positive change”, says Omid Ekhlasi.
Techarenan Zero will take place at Färgfabriken on the 23rd of March 2023, a former color factory in central Stockholm preserved from the 19th century.
To attend Techarenan Zero you can apply for a ticket:
The summit has a limited number of tickets and Techarenan will contact you if you’re offered a spot at the summit.
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