MYoroface helping people fight reflux related symptoms
MYoroface CEO and Co-Founder Ylvali Gerling pitching at Techarenan Challenge 2022.
A large percentage of people around the world are dealing with acid reflux health issues. Experts say about one-third of the global population has gastroesophageal reflux disease — and Swedish startup MYoroface wants to fix that.
MYoroface has developed a training device that reduces conditions like reflux, snoring, and swallowing difficulties. This summer, the device was approved by NHS (National Health Service) for prescriptive use in the UK.
“We are focusing on strengthening the muscle and we actually treat the cause of the problems,” CEO and Co-Founder Ylvali Gerling said. “We have to think more preventative in healthcare than we are doing at the moment.”
The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders says many patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease related symptoms don’t talk with a doctor, and when patients do seek help they’re referred to a gastroenterologist after it’s too late for effective treatment.
Over 70,000 costumers
The company says its product, IQoro, is the only treatment for the root cause of reflux other than an operation. It simulates the nerve systems to activate and strengthen the entire muscle chain of the swallowing process, and the self-treatment only takes 90 seconds each day.
“We are above 70,000 people [using IQoro] at the moment, so it’s increasing,” Gerling said.
Gerling says IQoro also helps treat heartburn, throat congestion, sleep apnea and more. She says they have high hopes for the company given the direction it’s headed.
“In five years, we will be the golden standard, at least in the UK,” Gerling said. “We will also have expanded to the U.S. within five years, which is a really big market.”
MYoroface currently has 24 employees, and are in the middle of raising more money to aid in their expansion plans.
The company also launched International Reflux Day two years ago. The upcoming event on November 9th at Central Station in Stockholm will feature experts, patients talking about their journeys, and a Q&A livestream.
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