Quizrr raises $2.5 million to train and empower more workers around the globe
CEO Erika Wennerström of Quizrr, which trains and educates workers around the globe. Image credit: Erick Payne.
Hundreds of thousands of workers are discovering their rights and potential with the help of Swedish startup Quizrr. The company has held more than 1.3 million training sessions since it was founded in 2013, and is now positioned to further expand its reach across the globe.
The Quizrr team has doubled in size since the beginning of this year, now with 31 employees. They’ve also just raised $2.5 million to help fuel their global expansion, and entered three new markets in 2022; India, Malaysia, and Mexico.
“These are three markets that will become key for Quizrr moving forward,” Quizrr CEO Erika Wennerström said.
Quizrr offers a training platform to help make global supply chains safer by educating and empowering workers. The digital tool uses gamification to make important topics relatable and engaging in local languages. The programs include wage management, involuntary work, worker engagement, and rights and responsibilities.
The company also partnered with Apple to develop, execute and deploy training in the tech giant’s supply chain.
Creating impact by educating and training
“To basically infuse knowledge on an individual level,” Wennerström said. “Reaching workers on factory floors, migrant workers, etc. to really address the knowledge gaps from a bottom up perspective.”
Data from the International Labour Organization shows 44 percent of the world’s workers are vulnerable. Vulnerable workers, like migrant workers, often find themselves exploited in low-skilled, low-paid jobs with little job security.
“We are very centered around addressing human rights, forced labor, gender equality, and occupational health and safety,” Wennerström said. “But then building depth and up-skilling programs is something we have to focus even more broadly on.”
Quizrr has also worked closely with companies like H&M, Electrolux and Clas Ohlson to assist each companies suppliers, management and workers in building knowledge.
Wennerström says education is the great equalizer, and is a core component in behavioral change.
“That’s what we sustain, that’s what we build in people in supply chains,” Wennerström said.
Quizrr was awarded Social Impact Award during Techarenan Challenge 2021.
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