How business leaders can improve their management in volatile times
Jenny Hermanson Head of Nordics for Spotify at Techarenan Bright 2022 in Almedalen. Image credit: Tommy Fondelius.
Business leaders are trying to find ways to best serve their employees as the business community across Europe deals with severe inflation, war in Ukraine, and an increasingly likely recession.
Spotify Head of Nordics Jenny Hermanson says it’s important for companies to focus on the culture they want to have, and also to communicate on where the organization stands.
“I think trust is one of the key things for your employees,” Hermanson said. “So they can feel trust for the company, they can feel safe, and talk about the things that happen in the world and how you stand behind your company.”
Hermanson spoke during Techarenan Bright 2022 at Almedalen on the “Leading through Transformation” – Modern Leadership for the New Business Community panel.
You can watch the interview and full panel session below.
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