Meet all 30 companies in Techarenan Challenge 2022
The finalist companies in Techarenan Challenge 2022.
Techarenan is announcing the 30 companies competing in the finals of Techarenan Challenge 2022, taking place at Almedalsveckan, July 4-5 in Gotland. Companies from all over the Nordics applied for the competition and the finalists come from a wide range of industries including cleantech, foodtech, healthtech and more.
The companies will be competing for the titles “Startup Company of the Year” or “Growth Company of the Year.” There will also be awards including “Social Impact Award,” “Audience Prize,” “Industry Prize,” and “Business Award.”
This is the 9th annual Techarenan Challenge, an entrepreneurship competition aimed at Swedish and Nordic companies in the startup and growth phase, based on a unique innovation or business idea with the potential to be commercialized on the global market.
The companies have been evaluated by an expert jury, with a big focus on scalability, sustainability, and well-defined growth opportunities.
“This is one of the most exciting line-ups we’ve had so far for Techarenan Challenge. It is clear that Sweden and the Nordics are a hub for extraordinary companies, which create products and services that will change our lives for the better,” Techarenan CEO and Founder Omid Ekhlasi said. “Many of the companies have already gained traction internationally and created a strong position for further expansion.”
Techarenan Challenge is decided on July 4-5
The 30 selected finalist companies will pitch on the Techarenan Challenge event stage on Monday, July 4, in front of the jury. Seven of those companies will move through to the final round on July 5th, which takes place on the main stage at Techarenan.
There will also be panels and expert seminars on the topics of innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability and future technology at Techarenan during 4-6 July.
“It’s impressive to see how entrepreneurs from various fields have, or are about to, change their respective industries, create new standards and improve society. I am very much looking forward to taking part in their journey in the coming years,” Ekhlasi said.
“I’m also very excited to be back at Almedalsveckan. It’s one of the most important public events in Sweden which brings together both the private and public sectors. This makes for a great venue for finalists to showcase their products, expand their networks, find potential partners and customers, and connect with their peers and other finalists.”
What they compete for
The winners of Techarenan Challenge will get a spot in the winning delegation which has been to New York, San Francisco, Seoul, Tokyo and Sao Paulo in previous years.
Winners will be selected in the following categories: Growth Company of the Year, Startup Company of the Year, Audience Award, Social Impact Award, Industry Award, Business Award.
Almedalen Week is the world’s largest democratic meeting place for social issues, dating back to 1968. Tens of thousands of participants including business leaders, experts and politicians will gather during Almedalen Week.
Facts about Techarenan Challenge:
Techarenan Challenge is an annual entrepreneurial competition for Sweden’s and the Nordic’s entrepreneur-led companies in the startup and growth phase, regardless of industry. The competition aims to highlight the Nordic region as a hub for innovative companies aiming to change, improve and develop their respective industries on a global scale, as well as connecting entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors, politicians and experts.
For more information, please contact
Omid Ekhlasi, CEO & Founder, Techarenan
+46 735 25 25 09
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