Techarenan News goes English (Partly at least)
Techarenan News will now include content in English, says Johannes Lundberg, Editor in Chief. Photo: Shutterstock/Tommy Fondelius.
In order to include a broader audience, Techarenan and Techarenan News are transitioning to using English. Techarenan’s upcoming events will all be carried out in English and on Techarenan News, the flow of content will be more diverse in a mix of both the Swedish and English language.
Today, the startup and tech scene in Sweden and the Nordics are, more or less, international and global rather than isolated to each region and country.
Many companies, even though founded in Sweden, are quickly going global, and their teams often span over a broad spectrum of nationalities. Furthermore, customers and partners can be found on the other side of the world. Hence the global landscape, English is common both in and out of offices around the Nordics.
To include a broader range of people who are involved or interested in the startup and tech scene, Techarenan and Techarenan News are taking steps towards a more international context.
International ventures
This move reflects in Techarenan’s new initiative; Pitch Club, and the fact that this year’s Techarenan Summit will be carried out completely in English. On the editorial side, Techarenan News news content will be published in English and/or Swedish, depending on the story.
– This feels like a natural step for us as we in our editorial work often encounter subjects more suitable for the English language or interviewees who may not use Swedish as their first language. Another element is the distribution of our content which often is received by an international and non-Swedish speaking audience, Johannes Lundberg said. Lundberg was newly appointed as Editor in Chief at Techarenan News.
Addition to the team
To accelerate this transition, Techarenan News is welcoming Erick Payne to the editorial team. Payne is an American born journalist who moved to Sweden in early 2021. He has a background as an on-air reporter and weekend anchor in the local U.S. TV news industry. In 2017, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in Political Science from The University of Oklahoma.
– We are very happy to welcome Erick to the team. He is an experienced journalist and his background enables us to invest in a broader range of editorial content, including video and audio material. We look forward in working with him, Johannes Lundberg said.
Techarenan News was founded in early 2020 and is the editorial part of the entrepreneurial and innovation focused platform Techarenan. We are an online news outlet focusing on the startup and tech sphere in Sweden and the Nordics. Our main goal is to elevate and draw attention to the people driving growth in the world of tech, startup, and business – and to tell their stories.
One major priority for us is that our coverage is proportional to the companies’ and entrepreneur’s accomplishments and relevance rather than hosting well-known names and brands.
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